Ponzi Scammer Adryenn Ashely Continues to Hoard Our site!

Guess what Adryenn, were not going any where. We were actually showing scammers from all over the world, but your ego is so big you took it personally.

Here is Adryenn’s Business Model for Reality TV PAID LATE NIGHT AIR TIME!

  • Buy Advertising Paid for Space TV Time as OFF PEAK hours on Major Network TV
  • The Network TV has NO AFFILIATION with Adryenn’s products, she can’t even use their logo or say she is a part of them.
  • Adryenn Designs your Reality TV Show and charges you at least $30,000 or more for starters
  • She then negotiates with a Network like Pop TV,  Discovery Life, or Tuff TV, ect for a time slot between the hours of 1am to 4am for pricing
  • She then builds your social network to get tweet chats going another at least $20k to pay her
  • She then offers to be your producer and you pay her more money
  • She then offers to help you get funding or get on  her Crowd funding site (more money to her). She makes a business plan and tells the funder ALL this money they will make back (which they won’t). Remember the time your show plays.
  • She then tells you to get sponsorships that will pay for everything on your set and production but here is the thing. The sponsors won’t get a dime or make any money cause all the demographics are sleeping during the time the show airs.
  • She then tells the sponsorship people that their show will be on this great TV network (POP TV ect) but its a bought slot, she will also tell you that Survivor kept his show from network production and made millions (she has an answer for everything).
  • She will then tell your sponsors that their product, service, or money will do x,y and z, not true its just more money to Pay Adryenn and make HER a Star. You will never make a dime (unless you scam the sponsors or trick them into buying commercial air time) however again their target market is SLEEPING!!
  • Your show competitors are on major networks on prime time where there is big money being made.
  • FUNDERS never make a dime
  • Every one loses!!
  • except Adryenn and she knows this
  • This is a non existent enterprise filled with prior knowledge that the financers and sponsors will make no money
Pon·zi scheme
ˈpänzē ˌskēm/
  1. a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors.